In the sloppy weather months, many drivers rely on protective mats to keep moisture, grime, ice, and snow from making a mess of a vehicle's interior. But if your vehicle has a mat it could becom...
Think of how much technology has changed vehicles in the last several years. And there's a lot more coming.
Many will remember when drivers were the ones who had complete control of several dri...
Hello Fisher Branch drivers! So what’s the most distracting food in the car? Is it:(A) A Hamburger(B) Coffee(C) A Soft Drink(D) Twizzlers
Well, all but the licorice make the top ten, but coffee...
What item is most often stolen from vehicles?Is it:(A) Stereo(B) Wheels(C) Air Bag(D) DVD SystemWell, if you said stereo – you used to be right. But airbags have now surpassed stereos as the big...
Vehicles are getting safer all the time for Fisher Branch drivers. They are more crash worthy, with greater structural protection for occupants and better restraint systems like airbags, seat belt pre...
When asked, most people think they are good at multi-tasking. Scientific studies, however, reveal that only around 2% of the population can truly demonstrate the capacity to effectively multi-task. Fo...
Let’s talk about towing safety in Fisher Branch. To often Fisher Branch drivers just slap a trailer on the hitch and take off. But there are vital safety considerations to protect your tow vehic...
After they’ve had an accident, some people wonder why their airbags didn’t go off. Movies and television lead us to believe that airbags go off with the slightest bump. The rea...